Projects 06-166
Tampa VAMC Alpha Land Paving
Tampa, FL

Tampa VAMC
Photo 1

Engineering services to develop a vacant, 3.6 acre property, into a Hospital employee parking lot.

The design included creation of 400 parking spaces on the property while preserving as many of the existing, mature deciduous trees and vegetated areas as practicable. Site features included guard office, remote security, aluminum rail fencing, illuminated brick piers, mast lighting, bituminous paving, concrete walkways, and shaded rest areas. Parking was provided for both standard and compact vehicles.

Land development services include review of existing documentation and regulatory agency submission requirements; preparation of a site boundary, topographic and utility survey; subgrade core borings to verify subgrade engineering properties and laboratory testing of recovered subgrade cores; preparation of geotechnical engineering investigation report; preparation of construction drawings and bound technical specifications; preparation of applications required by regulatory agencies; preparation of land development plans; preparation of soil erosion and sedimentation plans, narrative, and calculations; preparation of stormwater management plans, narrative, and calculations; submission of the above plans, narratives, and calculations to regulatory agencies; response to regulatory agencies review comments and revision of plans, narratives, and calculations based upon review comments; and, attendance at a meeting for each regulatory agency to discuss proposed site improvements.

Estimated Construction Cost: $2,200,000.00
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